
This is what I do.

Tampere University of Technology, Finland

Ph.D thesis (since October 2017)

I am currently a Ph.D student in the cognitive robotics group in Tampere University of Technology. I am working on a framework that would endow robots with reasoning and interaction skills allowing for instance the generalization of collaborative tasks in industry and thus modify the way we are currently forced to use robots.

Aalto University, Finland

Research assistant (2017)

First as an intern and then as a research assistant I spent 8 months working in the intelligent robotics group in Aalto University. The project focused on human-robot interaction and how to resolve uncertainties in communication. It led to the following publication :

A. Angleraud, Q. Houbre, V. Kyrki, R.S. Pieters. Human-Robot Interactive Learning Architecture using Ontologies and Symbol Manipulation, in 27th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), 2018.

Seoul National University, Korea

Exchange student (Spring 2016)

In my 4th years of engineering studies I had the chance to spend a semester in the Seoul National University where I got introduced to AI, computer vision, and started learning python and C++.

INSA Toulouse, France

Engineer student (2012 - 2017)

Originated from Paris I moved to the south of France in Toulouse in 2012 where I studied maths, electronics and computer engineering for 5 years. My projects include object programming, functional programming and logic programming and range from pure software developments (e.g., ethernet chat app) to more complex systems (e.g., autonomous vehicle project)

Contact me

I am always open for discussion.

If you have an idea for a potential collaboration, a question, or just want to say hi, drop me a line.